Seventeen Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

Seventeen Group Limited has published its Gender Pay Gap Report for 2023.
In this report, we detail our Gender Pay Gap across Seventeen Group, including James Hallam Limited, and Touchstone Underwriting Limited (which are subsidiaries of Seventeen Group Limited). The snapshot date of capturing the Gender Pay Gap reporting figures was the 5 April 2023. At this time, Seventeen Group had 349 employees spread throughout the UK.
Seventeen Group Limited continues to recognise the journey we are on to close our gender pay gap. We remain committed to further women’s progression in the workplace by reviewing existing and developing new policies and practices, ensuring they’re fully inclusive and supportive for our employees throughout different life stages.

Gender pay gap reporting regulations currently requires reporting on the pay gap between men and women, meaning that reporting does not include data on other gender identities. For the purposes of this pay gap report, we have followed the current legal reporting requirements.

This report includes a foreword from Group CEO Paul Anscombe and provides our gender pay gap information along with summary of actions and initiatives the Group has and will undertake during the reporting period.

Katy Foot, HR Director